More Problems in the NYT With Paul Ryan's Numbers

April 12, 2016

In addition to touting House Speaker Paul Ryan’s policy wonkiness, the paper also applauded his fundraising prowess, telling readers:

“The National Republican Congressional Committee raised $185,000 from two emails from Mr. Ryan last month, more than the group’s entire haul in March 2014, during the last House races.”

This would not be true unless March of 2014 was an extraordinarily bad month for the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC). According to its filings with the Federal Election Commission, the NRCC raised $118 million in total over 2013 and 2014, an average of just under $5 million a month. In order for Speaker Ryan’s two emails to have beaten March 2014’s total, it would have been necessary for the RNCC to have pulled in less than 4 percent of its monthly average over the two-year period. That seems unlikely.

Thanks to Robert Salzberg for calling this to my attention.


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