CEPR examina cómo las políticas afectan el crecimiento económico, el empleo, los precios, la pobreza y la salud.
CEPR examina cómo las políticas afectan el crecimiento económico, el empleo, los precios, la pobreza y la salud.
· Data Byte
Economic GrowthUnited StatesWorkers The Real Rate of Recovery, August 2015Kevin Cashman / August 07, 2015
· Op-Ed/Commentary
Economic GrowthIntellectual PropertyUnited States Bernie Sanders, Open Borders, and a Serious Route to Global EqualityDean Baker / August 03, 2015
· Op-Ed/Commentary
Economic GrowthUnited States Secretary Clinton’s Economic Agenda: Is It Progressive?Dean Baker / August 03, 2015
· Data Byte
Economic GrowthUnited States Personal Consumption Expenditures as a Share of Gross Domestic ProductCEPR / July 30, 2015
· GDP Byte
Economic GrowthUnited States Consumption Spending and Net Exports Spur Higher-Than-Expected Second Quarter GrowthDean Baker / July 30, 2015
· Op-Ed/Commentary
Economic GrowthHealth and Social ProgramsIntellectual Property What the Export-Import Bank Debate Tells Us About EconomistsDean Baker / July 29, 2015
· Op-Ed/Commentary
Economic GrowthInequalityWorkers An $18.42 Minimum Wage?Dean Baker / July 23, 2015
· Op-Ed/Commentary
Economic GrowthUnited StatesWorkers Why the Fed’s Policy on Interest Rates Is Key to Fighting PovertyDean Baker / July 23, 2015
· Op-Ed/Commentary
Economic GrowthUnited States Will the Fed Ruin Presidential Candidates’ Job Plans?Dean Baker / July 21, 2015
· Op-Ed/Commentary
Economic GrowthWorkers CBO’s Estimates of Output Gap, Natural Rate of Unemployment Show DiscrepancyCEPR / July 21, 2015