CEPR looks at the impact of international financial institutions, especially the International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organization, on economic growth, poverty rates, and trade around the world.
CEPR analiza el impacto de las instituciones financieras internacionales, -especialmente el Fondo Monetario Internacional- en el crecimiento económico, las tasas de pobreza y el comercio en todo el mundo.
CEPR looks at the impact of international financial institutions, especially the International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organization, on economic growth, poverty rates, and trade around the world.
CEPR analiza el impacto de las instituciones financieras internacionales, -especialmente el Fondo Monetario Internacional- en el crecimiento económico, las tasas de pobreza y el comercio en todo el mundo.
· Op-Ed/Commentary
BoliviaBrazilGlobalization and TradeLatin America and the CaribbeanWorld Brazil’s Presidential Election: Opposition Tries "Republican Strategy" On Foreign PolicyMark Weisbrot / June 17, 2010
· Op-Ed/Commentary
Globalization and TradeLatin America and the CaribbeanVenezuelaWorld Latin America and the Middle East: a Threatening Alliance?Alexander Main / June 03, 2010
· Op-Ed/Commentary
EuropeGlobalization and TradeWorld Eurozone Crisis is Self-Inflicted, with Help from Financial MarketsMark Weisbrot / May 26, 2010
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Globalization and TradeIMF Is Life Expectancy Getting Shorter for IMF Employees?David Rosnick / May 19, 2010
· Op-Ed/Commentary
ArgentinaEconomic GrowthEuropeGlobalization and TradeLatin America and the CaribbeanWorld How Do You Spell “Success”? A Look At “Internal Devaluation” in Greece, Latvia, and ArgentinaMark Weisbrot / May 19, 2010
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EuropeGlobalization and TradeIMF The European Union’s Dangerous GameMark Weisbrot / May 12, 2010
· Op-Ed/Commentary
EuropeGlobalization and TradeWorld Venezuela is Not GreeceMark Weisbrot / May 06, 2010
· Op-Ed/Commentary
EuropeGlobalization and TradeWorld Baltic Countries Show What Greece May Look Forward To If It Follows EC/IMF AdviceMark Weisbrot / April 28, 2010
· report
BrazilGlobalization and TradeIMFLatin America and the CaribbeanWorld Capital Controls and Monetary Policy in Developing CountriesCEPR / April 19, 2010
· Op-Ed/Commentary
Economic GrowthGlobalization and TradeWorld U.S. and China Reach ‘Agreement’ on Currency Dispute, IranMark Weisbrot / April 15, 2010