CEPR looks at the impact of international financial institutions, especially the International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organization, on economic growth, poverty rates, and trade around the world.
CEPR analiza el impacto de las instituciones financieras internacionales, -especialmente el Fondo Monetario Internacional- en el crecimiento económico, las tasas de pobreza y el comercio en todo el mundo.
CEPR looks at the impact of international financial institutions, especially the International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organization, on economic growth, poverty rates, and trade around the world.
CEPR analiza el impacto de las instituciones financieras internacionales, -especialmente el Fondo Monetario Internacional- en el crecimiento económico, las tasas de pobreza y el comercio en todo el mundo.
· report
Globalization and TradeJamaicaLatin America and the CaribbeanWorld The Multilateral Debt Trap in JamaicaJake Johnston / June 20, 2013
· Op-Ed/Commentary
Globalization and TradeWorld Internal Opposition to U.S. Foreign Policy More Effective than Most People ThinkMark Weisbrot / June 17, 2013
· Op-Ed/Commentary
Globalization and TradeIntellectual Property The Trade Deal ScamDean Baker / June 12, 2013
· Op-Ed/Commentary
Globalization and TradeIMFWorld Changing the Way the World Bank is “Doing Business”Mark Weisbrot / May 31, 2013
· Op-Ed/Commentary
ArgentinaEconomic GrowthEuropeGlobalization and TradeLatin America and the CaribbeanWorld "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Debt!"CEPR / May 28, 2013
· Op-Ed/Commentary
Globalization and TradeIMFJamaicaLatin America and the CaribbeanWorld IMF Approves Jamaica Loan – Pain, No GainJake Johnston / May 23, 2013
· Op-Ed/Commentary
Globalization and TradeWorld "Free Trade" Agreements Won’t Create Jobs But a More Competitive Dollar WouldMark Weisbrot / May 13, 2013
· Op-Ed/Commentary
Globalization and TradeIMFWorld Watch Out, George Osborne: Smith, Marx and Even the IMF Are After YouCEPR / May 08, 2013
· Op-Ed/Commentary
BrazilGlobalization and TradeLatin America and the CaribbeanWorldWorld Trade Organization Contest for Head of WTO Pits Washington’s Candidate and Program Against Most of WorldMark Weisbrot / May 06, 2013
· Op-Ed/Commentary
Economic GrowthEuropeGlobalization and TradeIntellectual Property Political Corruption and the "Free Trade" RacketDean Baker / April 29, 2013