10 Ways to Rebuild the Middle Class

September 14, 2012

This week, a coalition of 24 progressive organizations released a report proposing “Ten Ways to Rebuild the Middle Class for Hard Working Americans” (pdf).

The 10 sensible proposals:

  1. Make Every Job a Good Job
  2. Fix the Minimum Wage
  3. Save Good Public and Private Jobs
  4. Ensure Health and Retirement Security
  5. Uphold the Freedom to Join a Union
  6. Make the Modern Workplace Pro-Family
  7. Stop Wage Theft
  8. Require That Your Boss Be Your Employer
  9. Give Unemployed Workers a Real, Fresh Start
  10. Toughen Laws Protecting Workers’ Safety and Health

CEPR has worked on many of these issues, including job quality, the minimum wage, public-sector employment, health coverage, retirement security, union rights, work-life balance issues, and modernizing our unemployment insurance system. The report also highlights areas that deserve much more attention than they typically get, including wage theft, misclassification of workers (as “independent contractors,” rather than employees), and improving worker health and safety standards.

Download and read the whole thing here (pdf).

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