Labor Market Policy Research Reports, April 23 – 27, 2012

April 27, 2012

Marie-Eve Augier

Here is this week’s roundup of labor-market policy research reports:

Center for Law and Social Policy

Refocusing Adult Education on Career and Postsecondary Success: An Analysis of Adult Education (Title II) Provisions in WIA Reauthorization Proposals
Marcie Foster

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

President’s Budget Would Reduce Pell Grant Shortfall; Ryan Budget Would Nearly Triple It
Richard Kogan and Kelsey Merrick

House Bill Would Cut Medicaid Funding For Puerto Rico by About $5.5 Billion Through 2019
Edwin Park and Matt Broaddus

Recent Studies Find Raising Taxes on High-Income Households Would Not Harm the Economy: Policy Should Be Included in Balanced Deficit-Reduction Effort
Chye-Ching Huang

Economic Policy Institute

The Wedges between Productivity and Median Compensation Growth
Lawrence Mishel

Political Economy Research Institute

Rising Inequality as a Root Cause of the Present Crisis
Engelbert Stockhammer

Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis

Understanding Elderly Poverty in the United States: Alternative Measures of Elderly Deprivation
Mary Borrowman

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